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Introduction to your 30 Day Declutter Challenge


Are there moments during the day (or in general) where you feel extremely overwhelmed and/or mentally and physically exhausted? Like you just can’t take it anymore and you feel like you may have a breakdown kind of day? 

We’ve all been there.  

Where even the little things (ie. stubbing your toe on a coffee table, spilling coffee on the floor, someone asking you what’s for dinner tonight, etc.) annoy you and begin a cascade of negativity that engulfs you for the rest of the day.

Most times it’s because we have so much information being thrown at us all day long that being able to function optimally is hard

So let’s do something about it because as we know:

Decluttering can make us feel happier AND healthier.

Research shows that clutter, having mess around us, and/or being disorganized can cause us to have a lot of unnecessary stress in our lives. Almost to the point that it becomes a really heavy burden that we then end up dealing (or not dealing) with.

In order to begin to feel a lot calmer and to be at peace while your home, why not give this 30-day challenge to declutter your life a shot?


Where, What, and How to Start

Start small and do the “big” stuff in between. 

What does that mean? It means that you should do the big stuff, for example, your kitchen cabinets on multiple days.

This is conveniently designated in your calendar below; which is also available as a printable so that you can stick on your fridge or somewhere else so that you’ll see it every day!

That way you won’t feel anxious and/or defeated before you even begin to start decluttering! 

Doing it one step at a time is better than not doing it at all.

So here’s to mental clarity and a clearer path (literally) to a more fruitful life!


30 Day Declutter Challenge:

Days 1-15:
  1. Clean out your wallet.
  2. Clean out your purse and/or bag.
  3. Go through and sort/organize/discard all papers and mail.
  4. Sort through your jewelry and accessories including (but not limited to) scarves, hats, belts, hair ties, necklaces, earrings, rings.
  5. Sort out which clothes you’d like to keep vs. donate. And then organize the closest or drawers that you use to keep them in.
  6. Tackle 1 junk drawer. Organize and discard all items.
  7. Clean out your medicine cabinet. Discard expired items and organize the rest according to most used or type of medication.
  8. Clean out the pantry.
  9. Organize the linen closest. Decide how much of what you need to keep and what else can be donated.
  10. Organize your shoe/sneaker collection.
  11. Clean out your makeup drawer and/or makeup bag(s).
  12. Clean out 1 kitchen cabinet. 
  13. Organize your cleaning supplies. 
  14. Clean out your car(s). Start by getting rid of any garbage that may be in there, then organize the essentials that are left (ie. first aid kit and emergency kit), and then wipe down the interior surfaces with a cloth. 
  15. Organize games, books, and/or toys that you may have lying around your house. Keep the ones that you use and donate the rest.


Days 16-30:
  1. Clean the stovetop and oven. 
  2. Walking into your home should be pleasant, not annoying. Clean the entryway/mudroom and/or hallway so that they walk in feeling great!
  3. Organize and then clean your kitchen counters. 
  4. Clean the 2nd kitchen cabinet.
  5. Clean/organize your desk or workplace.
  6. Organize bathroom cabinets.
  7. Tidy up and organize your den or main sitting area.
  8. Clean out your fridge by first getting rid of food that has since expired, organizing the food and condiments that are left, then cleaning the surfaces.
  9. Empty out your 2nd junk drawer.
  10. Organize the drawers in your kitchen, begin by doing 1 at a time and start with the messiest one (generally it is the one with the utensils in it).
  11. Clean out your 3rd kitchen cabinet.
  12. Clean out your freezer.
  13. Wipe down your dining table (or nook area). Make sure you can not only see the table but you’re able to enjoy meals on it.
  14. Clean out a 4th kitchen cabinet or tackle appliances that need to be donated, discarded, or cleaned/organized.
  15. Purge any plastic containers or unused ones that no longer serve you any purpose.
  16. Enjoy!


30 day declutter challenge

Thank you for reading and we hope that you will give this challenge a chance (remember, take it one day at a time)!

Stay happy, stay healthy.


Check out our other articles on how to relieve stress and anxiety:
How To Declutter Your Space For Mental Focus & Clarity (Free Printable)
Healthy Habits of People Who Never Get Stressed!
5 Ways To Naturally Relieve Anxiety With Supplements
11 Absolute Best Yoga Poses For Beginners
Meditation 101: The Ultimate Guide To Meditation For Beginners
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