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Table of Contents

Does anyone ever wonder what the secret to being happy is? Or the secret to living a happy life? I have the answer (and I bet since you’re here reading this post then you probably do as well!).


It’s living a life through gratitude. Put more simply, it’s being grateful for what you have right now, where you are at right now, and knowing that life is only going to get even better from here on out.


If you don’t like the circumstances, you’re in right now, I realize that finding something to be grateful for can be extremely difficult and challenging.


But is it possible that to try and find some way to be grateful despite your current situation? Or to find the good in where you’re at or what you’re going through?



It literally can change your life if you start to see things from a more positive point of view; you will have more clarity on what needs to change, what can stay the same, and what lead you to this point in the first place.


And if you’re already grateful (or partially grateful) for your life and where your headed, then this challenge will only drive you further to pursue your passion or maybe it’ll just serve as some inspiration.


Whichever boat you are in, I hope you do this challenge and use it to literally challenge yourself, to live life fully and to never spend a day in regret because you CHOOSE to be happy, healthy, and content for the rest of your life!


Use this challenge as a framework; write down the answer to each prompt (which serves as a helpful reminder of all that is good in your life already) in your phone, on paper, in a journal, or a notebook for the next 30 days.



This will serve as a show of commitment that you are actively and consciously making the decision to be grateful.


Remember to close your eyes and actually feel the gratitude in your heart and soul before writing the answer as the feeling is more important than the task of physically writing it down.





30 Days of Gratitude Challenge Prompts


1. Name a person you are grateful for and lights up your life.

2. Name a person you admire and look up to.

3. Name something (person or event) that has brought about a positive change in your life in the past year.

4. Name something that you have (person, object, desire, or experience) this year that you didn’t have last year.

5. Name something that you have accomplished and are proud of.

6. A valuable lesson that has taught you something invaluable.

7. A memory that you are grateful for.

8. Something or some part of your job that makes you feel good.

9. Name what you like about where you currently live.

10. A feel-good movie

11. A feel-good song

12. A dance or exercise that makes you feel so good.

13. A book or podcast that you love and are grateful for.

14. A type of food that gives you all the right feels.

15. A trip, holiday, or vacation that you are grateful for.

16. A present/gift (animate or inanimate) that someone has given you.

17. Something (like an item) in your life that you use daily.

18. Any type of technology that you are most grateful for.

19. A part of nature that makes you smile.

20. A compliment that you received.

21. A small gesture that meant a lot to you.

22. Something/someone that inspires you to make a change.

23. Name something about your body that you love.

24. Name an ability of yours that makes you feel proud.

25. Something that makes you feel hopeful.

26. Something that makes you feel present.

27. A single moment that made you smile today.

28. An opportunity that changed your life.

29. A silver lining.

30. Something that drives you, gives you purpose, and/or are passionate about.

I hope your experience with this challenge will encourage and inspire you to continue this practice even after the 30 days have expired. Please share this challenge with your friends and family and let them in on the secret to a happier life as well.


With appreciation & respect,


The Lifestyle Cure


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Hi I'm Dr. Tina Gupta physician-turned-type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and weight loss coach who helps you easily lower your blood sugars and lose weight by getting to the heart of your needs and desires instead of depending on food to fill that void. If you're interested in working together, email me at to get started today!