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Tis’ the season to be jolly! It’s also the season to be entertaining, indulging, and maybe even overindulging in things we don’t normally seek out actively.
We basically spend a lot of the holiday’s going outside our comfort zone to ironically feel comforted. Why do we do this?
Well, we eat things that we wouldn’t normally eat, we don’t say no to a host, we may dress up (or dress down) even when we don’t want to because we have to go to that office party and we stop exercising/moving because we’d rather spend quality time with family and/or friends.
But you do realize that we don’t have to?
Or at least this is what we need to tell ourselves the next time we feel pressured and this especially holds true when talking about the extra pounds we put on during the holidays until January rolls around and you’re back to hitting the gym hard and getting back to your regular diet.
That’s why we’re all here today. Let’s learn a few tricks of the trade (from trainers to dietitians) on how to actually lose weight while we enjoy our holiday season to the max! And yes it’s completely possible to maintain if not lose weight while we get festive and celebrate the holidays!
PS: This post was written before Covid-19 so there are a few tips that might not be applicable at this time (ie. when it comes to get-togethers) but you can keep them in mind for next year!
Let’s begin:
How To Lose Weight During The Holidays!
1) Don’t save your calories for later
We’ve all been there. We don’t eat until we reach that holiday office party or the big dinner at mum’s house because we know that we’ll be overindulging there so why not save all the calories for later, right?
Well this is probably not the best idea. The fact is that you’ll end up eating wayyyy more this way (because you’ve literally starved yourself) than if you had stuck to your regular meals/snacks throughout the day anyway!
So don’t deprive yourself until that next big meal – eat what and when you want to and know that you’re doing yourself a disservice if you choose otherwise.
2) Make and/or bring healthy dishes!
A little planning goes a long way when it comes time to prepare for the holidays, and truer words were never spoken for controlling how much weight you pack on vs. how much you lose either.
Making a healthy dish and taking it with you to that special party or for that special occasion will save the hassle of longing after the food, that although may be available, is higher in calories and probably fat too.
Do yourself a favor and take some time to prepare something that is tasty and filling but low in calories (think high protein foods) and that way you won’t gain those extra pounds.
3) Wear the right clothes
Ok breathe. Is something we all say to ourselves when we feel our pants getting a little snug or that belt starts to leave an indentation around our abdomen. But this actually can serve as an apt reminder that you’re already feeling full from all that you’ve already consumed!
So listen to your body and say yes to wearing a good looking pair of pants that we normally wouldn’t wear to a party because we already know how tight they are and we want wiggle room.
This way you aren’t leaving any room (get it?) for failure – once you start to feel things are starting to get tight, it’s time to back away from that food tray and dessert table.
4) Mingling is your main focus
So let’s do a quick review.
We know we should continue to eat the way we normally do, regardless of that big party we’re attending at the end of the night, we also know to bring something that is tasty yet healthy, and we show up in a sharp looking pant suit and ring that doorbell.
‘Ding Dong’. The front door opens and you start saying hi and hugging people you recognize and automatically your mingling with everyone at the party. And that’s the way it should be. Stick to this momentum!
Don’t get caught up in the food (especially the appetizers, which I’ll get to in a second) even though that’s half the fun of the party; know that you’re there to make some fond memories and one of them shouldn’t be how you gained weight, felt bloated, threw up, or got sick from all that you ate, it should be about the people you connected with!
5) Skip the apps!
So now that you’re in the mingling stages of the game and working your way around the room, you suddenly notice the appetizers noticing you, and you get excited! Well ignore those trays.
Ignore the urge to eat them (which hopefully won’t be hard given that you have been eating like normal throughout the day anyway) and don’t lose sight of your goal. Which is to feel amazing even when you leave the party.
6) Stick to portion control
Here’s a good time to practice ‘eating with your eyes’ first. Make sure there is enough room on the plate between items, that you can clearly see the plate itself, and that there are clear lines between everything on your plate.
So even if it’s a buffet style cookout or party, make sure to survey what all is being offered and then plate up according to what looks to be the healthiest choices.
This does not mean that you can’t have your cake and eat it too, it simply means that you are only going to have a small piece of the cake and enjoy it THAT MUCH MORE.
7) Eat slowly
Did you know that this trick of chewing something more than 30 times and eating slowly is actually an old Weight Watchers trick? And that it actually works?
Try putting that fork down in between each and every bite and appreciate all the flavors in your mouth – even if it’s just two bites of something you really really love. You’ll honestly appreciate it that much more and be more satisfied with it.
8) Don’t drink your calories
It’s hard NOT to want to drink your calories during the holiday season. After all you want to enjoy the party and be as happy as everyone around you. But don’t be under the impression that drinking in the form of high caloric (and high sugary) alcoholic beverages is the way to go.
It’ll have more of a crash and burn effect and will defeat your purpose of wanting to look and feel good all season long. Alcohol not only will sabotage your weight but your skin as well.
Remember all the negatives before you pick up that second (or third) cocktail.
9) Stay hydrated
Substitute every thought of having an alcoholic beverage of your choice with a glass of water. Any type of water.
Put lemon, lime, strawberries, citrusy fruits or anything else in it and guzzle that baby down. It’ll not only make you feel full but it can help you lose weight at the same time as well.
That’s a huge incentive to stick with some H2O instead.
10) Say no to leftovers
I know it’s hard to say no to the host. Especially when they are literally shoving casseroles and plates of food out the door with you; you automatically feel obligated to take the leftovers with you. This time though, just say no.
And know that it’s not because you want to be rude, but because you want to stay healthy and that there’s nothing wrong with that.
In fact, that’s what you should always being doing. No matter how difficult it is. So next time, politely decline the offer on the leftovers and quietly close the door behind you as you exit the party.
11) Routine is your new best friend
Generally whenever the festive season begins, we lose track of time and get off track from our daily routine. But not this time around. Make sure you stick with the habits you’ve already developed, even during these winter months.
So if you normally work out 3x’s/week, make sure you continue to do that. If you like to walk your dog twice a day, morning and night, keep doing it regardless of what’s happening around you.
Sticking to what you know best and what has worked for you all year round is important, why lose that now?
12) Be accountable
The best way to show up is to be held accountable by someone else. It doesn’t matter who this is, it could be your coach, a teammate, a friend, your sibling, an acquaintance, it honestly doesn’t matter!
Having someone else rely on you and your presence is enough motivation to get you to where you want to go. So whether that’s to the gym, for a hike near your house, to make new healthy recipes together, plan something out and then stick too.
The most helpful trick is to meet as often as possible to prepare, track, and schedule what you ate or plan on eating during this joyous season. Knowing that you are in this journey together will help you stay on track.
13) Crunch then munch
Did you know that studies show that you can actually lose more weight if you work out in the mornings vs. in the evenings?
However, I’m a big proponent of doing what works for you so for example, if you normally work out during the evenings and that works for you then stick to it. Some exercising is better than not exercising at all. But sometimes during the holiday’s we get sidetracked and we let the best get to us.
We may not make time to head to the gym in the evening or put off working out at home later tonight because we’re just too busy.
So here’s when it may be better to try working out during the mornings instead; when no one else is awake to ensure that you are putting yourself first and foremost regardless of the day’s events and what’s about to unfold.
14) Weigh In every single day
Research has shown again and again that stepping on the scale every morning helps you to lose weight.
The reason behind this is because you are essentially being held accountable for what you eat because you see it in the numbers displayed in front of your feet everyday.
I personally do not like the idea of people weighing themselves daily because I feel like it can help you to develop an unhealthy relationship with food, but because research shows that this technique works for those wanting to lose weight, doing it for a short period of time (only during the holidays in this case) will probably benefit you in this regard.
15) Say no to stress (and overeating)
Holiday’s can be stressful. Really stressful if you are the one hosting or even if you have numerous engagements planned that are nonnegotiable.
Sometimes having a big family is equal to more work, having kids running around can add to the stress, and on top of that you have to think about what to cook/eat/serve as well?! It’s a lot. But don’t let your cortisol levels rise to the point that you find yourself at the bottom of a family size Doritos bag.
Save yourself…from yourself. Take time to meditate, write in a journal, to be grateful, try some yoga or do some soul searching instead of looking for that ice cream container filled with regret and sorrow. You know better and will do better.
16) Don’t feel guilty or have regret
Life is worth living so live it to your fullest potential/capability/willingness to succeed. Even if you gain a pound, know that you will work twice as hard in the gym the next day but today you’ll choose to enjoy this one bite of apple pie with the family.
Don’t live in regret, look ahead to your promising future and know that you are doing your best EVERY SINGLE DAY.
17) You want to aim to maintain (not to progress!)
Losing weight during this time can be hard so maybe think about just maintaining the weight that you are at vs actually losing some weight.
Yes, most of us would like to lose those few extra pounds but knowing that it may not be possible right now could be just as beneficial for your health.
Aiming to keep the weight at which you are at and NOT gaining a pound is way better than the reverse situation.
So sometimes remembering that although you may not be able to lose those extra inches before the New Year, be happy that you didn’t GAIN any either!
The takeaway here is that you should fully enjoy yourself come this holiday season but that shouldn’t come at the expense of your health! The key to success is everything in moderation, prepare well in advance (and know what to expect), and be kind, to yourself and others, while you choose your health over everything else.