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During the holidays we know how busy it can get with decorating, buying gifts, writing cards, baking, cooking, parties, get-togethers with family and friends etc that you feel like you’re going to go explode!
But… that shouldn’t be the case. Even though, the Christmas season can be overwhelming for most, there are ways to deal with the stress that comes along with the festivities.
Being mindful can really help with the stress that builds up over the holidays and has been found to aid those during “the most wonderful time of the year.”
According to UC Berkley, mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment through a gentle, and nurturing lens.
Mindfulness is a type of meditation that can help you direct your attention away from negative thoughts and feelings and instead, engage with the world around you.
Benefits of Meditation During The Holidays
The holidays not only bring out the stress in us but a whole host of dreaded feelings.
The Mayo Clinic states that there are is evidence to support meditation for the following conditions:
High blood pressure (Hypertension)
A lot of the above can be expressed during the Christmas festivities which is why one should practice mindful thinking.
7 Secret Ways Mindfulness Cures Holiday Stress
1. By Being Present
With so much hustle and bustle during the holidays it can sometimes be tough to be present when you’re constantly on the go.
However, what you can do is be more attentive to others when communicating. Take in what people are saying and be an active listener and responder.
Engage in one-on-on conversations at holiday parties so you spend quality time with family, friends and loved ones and actually know what is going on in their lives.
Even while driving and doing Christmas errands, stop thinking of your to-do list and talk to your kids in the back seat. In the long grocery line when picking up party snacks, speak to the other customers in line. When walking to your destination instead of thinking of where you have to go, look at your surroundings and appreciate the snow on the trees and all the Christmas lights.
Where ever you are just slow down your thoughts and be present during the holiday season.
2. By NOT Being A Perfectionist
For those hosting around the holidays this can particularly be a problem. Wanting all the celebrations to be flawless and go off without a hitch can lead to a lot of pressure and disappointment.
Instead, why not acknowledge before hand that it’s ok if things are imperfect. It’s actually the imperfections that MAKE the memories which can lead to new traditions and more fun!
Fussing about the decorations, the dinner placements, the “perfect” gifts etc are not what the holidays are about.
Remembering that these joyous occasions are more about being around your loved ones and connecting on a authentic level will help the perfectionist in you.
So let go of the (reindeer) reigns a little bit and enjoy the normalcy of imperfections!
3. By Getting Organized
When we haven’t planned out our day it can sometimes lead to chaos and this is ever so true with the holidays.
The best way to handle ALL that goes on during December is to be organized. Organization helps you to stay focused on one task at a time and keeps your mind from feeling cluttered and overwhelmed.
Jot down on a calendar, your phone, or a journal, everything that needs to be accomplished before it’s time for family and friends to come over. Leave ample room before everyone arrives so that you are not rushing and frazzled.
Planning ahead provides mental clarity and keeps you mindful during the season!
4. By Shopping With Intent
This is the time of giving, however we tend to simply stress out/go overboard with all deals and bargains that are available.
Before leaving the house, make a list of all the items you want to buy and when searching for gifts, focus on the faces and personalities of the person you are shopping for.
Be aware of each individuals likes or dislikes and stick to the list so you don’t get caught up in the holiday rush! Ask yourself if the item is truly reflective of the person and stay focused on the purpose of the gift at hand.
And be cognizant of the prices, your budget, and whether the “deal” is really worth it. Sometimes having it on hold or in your online cart for day or so and then going back can help you decide if you really want it or if it’s just the aura of holiday shopping!
5. By Unplugging
This might seem like a rule for everyday but should definitely be implemented during Christmas.
Our phones and tablets have consumed our lives to the point that it actually has made us less aware of our surroundings.
Put down your electronic devices and appreciate the colors of the Christmas lights, the smell of the pine trees, the taste of the cranberry sauce and really engulf your senses into everyday life.
This will keep you conscious around the holidays and get you into the Christmas and New Year’s spirit!
6. By Expressing Gratitude
The holidays are a great time to slow down and reflect on what you are grateful for over the past year.
Practicing gratitude has been proven to change negative thoughts into positive feelings, positive memories and positive experiences.
According to research at Harvard, after 10 weeks of writing in a gratitude journal, participants were more optimistic and felt better about their lives. Incidentally they exercised more and had fewer visits to the doctor’s office.
Gratitude helps you to refocus on what you have rather than what you lack, this is especially necessary during a time of year when materialism seems to be at a high.
Ways to express gratitude during the holidays:
Help clean the dishes after family meals
Think of all the holidays you have spent with family and friends
Notice the changing of the season
Be grateful to sleep in a little longer
Tell someone you love them
Give hugs
Give compliments
Send an inspirational text to family and friends
Invite those to christmas who would otherwise be alone
Volunteer at a soup kitchen
Donate old winter clothes to those in need
Call your parents and thank them for all they have done
Pay it forward- pay for the next person in line behind you
Make a list of things you like
Be thankful for a new beginning
Bake cookies for your neighbors
7. By Treating Yourself With Kindness
Even though the holidays are about getting together with friends and family, that doesn’t mean you should forget about yourself!
Self care is important all year round and especially during the festive season. We tend to put ourselves at the bottom of the “to-do list” when it comes to the holidays when in actuality we should be number one.
If we don’t take care of ourselves how can we even last through the Christmas chaos!
By looking after our mind, body and spirit, it will allows us to be more mindful and present so that we can take care of our loved ones too.
Ways to practice self care with yourself:
Restful exercise- not shopping or cleaning but instead going for a leisurely walk outdoors enjoying the Christmas atmosphere
Protect your sleep
Say “No”
Take a long warm bubble bath
Have a spa day at home with face masks
Eat healthy baked christmas food
Do yoga and/or stretching
Take time to read a book
Go to a coffee shop with friends or by yourself and try a holiday specialty drink
Ask for help with chores when guests come over
Order groceries for your christmas party
Get a massage
Dance to holiday music in the house
Burn candles or diffuse some holiday scent oils
By being more mindful over the holidays, it will not only decrease the stress we feel but also create a more joyous and peaceful festive season.
Remember, take time out to smell the poinsettias and be in the moment!
Hi I’m Dr. Naveen Gupta, physician-turned-type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and weight loss coach who helps you easily lower your blood sugars and lose weight by creating fun, happiness and amazing lifestyle you love! If you're interested in working together, email me at to get started today!
Hi everyone! We are Dr. Naveen Gupta & Dr. Tina Gupta your Type 2 Diabetes and Weight Loss Coaches. We help you easily lower your blood sugars and lose weight by creating fun, happiness and amazing lifestyle you love! If you’re interested in working together, email us at to get the transformation of your life!