Dr Naveen Gupta
Co-founder of The Lifestyle Cure
Hi there!
I am Dr Naveen Gupta, I decided to create this blog in the interest (and cliche) of helping others live their best life based on my 15 years of experience in the healthcare realm!
Growing up, I always had great empathy for people less fortunate than I was and those most deserving of care. I knew from a young age that I wanted to become a medical doctor and went after my dreams. I pursued my Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and developed a real fascination with Cognitive and Behavioral Psychology. I loved to learn why people did what they did and how they made their choices based on their internal and external environments.
After undergrad, I attended Medical School, which taught me the theory and clinical aspects of medical diseases and how to implement these practices towards improving other peoples state of well-being.
Once graduating, I continued to aid in advancement in healthcare by co-authoring, Beta-Blockers: Physiological, Pharmacological and Therapeutic Interventions book and furthermore published a research article in The American Journal of Medicine (AJM) titled The Case for Confirmation: Atrial Flutter.
With so much knowledge I was ready to save the world! However, I began to realize that much of the world had changed from my initial endeavors.
The medical system seemed to lack change in a growing world of modern problems. When gaining hands on experience in family medicine clinics, day after day I would face people with the same “chief complaints”, Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Heart Disease, Arthritis, COPD, Mood Disorders the list was endless.
The commonality in all these cases were that they are deemed as chronic. Nowadays, 80% of the diseases that we face today are chronic conditions and can not be fixed with a pill. Research has shown that in order to tackle these cases we need to change our lifestyles.
I was extremely frustrated as I saw no improvement and felt I was not in the business of, “healthcare” but “sick-care”. I entered into medicine to transform lives and at that time I felt like I had failed.
So I decided to forgo the traditional route of medicine and instead follow my passion. I created my own online business and began reading about Lifestyle Medicine and Health Coaching and fell in love with healthcare again!
What I found exhilarating was that, Lifestyle Medicine proved to not only PREVENT chronic diseases but to also REVERSE diseases that may already exist! I could feel the excitement bubbling up inside me like a glass of champagne! However, I realized that in order to carry out these new pillars of Lifestyle Medicine, I needed to help motivate others.
That’s where Health Coaching came in. I became obsessed learning the proper techniques so much so that I went on to get Certified as a Weight Loss Management Expert. Being a natural motivator, I knew this was a perfect fit.
Now, I use my time to help people just like yourself! As a Physician-turned-Coach, I show others simple techniques they can implement to reverse their type 2 diabetes and lose weight permanently. By focusing on small lifestyle habits, I can help you improve your health and quality of life for the better. It’s ultimately what I strive for, to make your diabetes and weight loss struggles disappear.
To be honest, I could go on and on but let’s face it this blog is not about me (well, except this part), it’s about YOU! By sharing some medical and holistic pearls of wisdom that I have come across over the years, I hope it inspires you to take charge of your health and at the same time, have fun doing it!
The Lifestyle Cure
So, how did I end up here? Well, I realized that I could probably reach more people through this platform than in a clinic and decided to take a leap into the blogosphere! I am huge advocate of Preventative Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Functional Medicine and the like. I believe that what works best for you is what should be prescribed and hopefully that comes across in my writing.
With my medical background, foundation in psychology, weight loss management knowledge and passion for helping others in everyday life, I bring you this blog, The Lifestyle Cure! Our mission is to help you prevent and reverse type 2 diabetes and lose weight life-long.
My goal is to help you find the root cause of your disease, to inspire you to believe, to motivate you to move, and to have you experience the only side effects of a happier, healthier, better you. Lets put the “WE” back in WELLNESS and do this together!
Dr Naveen Gupta
M.B.B.S, BSc, ACE Certified Weight Loss Management Expert
Dr Tina Gupta
Co-founder of The Lifestyle Cure
Hi everyone!
Let me introduce myself, my name is Dr. Tina Gupta and I’m the other co-founder of The Lifestyle Cure.
Let me begin by telling you exactly how this little engine that could first began. My sister and I started our journey from a very humble beginning. Our family is small, just us plus our parents, and we both grew up in a small suburb of Halifax (located in Nova Scotia) for almost 15 years with the belief that anything was achievable with hard work.
I attended university in Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada) and always knew that my purpose in life was to be of service to others. I may not have always had confidence in my own abilities while growing up but I knew from a young age that I possessed the capability to help others in my own small way.
This feeling was further cemented for me at the age of 15. One day during gym class I injured my knee while playing basketball requiring 2 surgeries followed by years of physical therapy.
Even today my knee tends to suffer whenever I do certain activities (ie. sitting for too long, skiing, wearing particular shoes, but mostly if I’m stressed out) but I’ve found the cure to alleviating my pain and/or preventing any pain from occurring on a regular basis by doing these two things.
What are they you ask?
It’s maintaining a healthy diet and exercise! Yeah, that’s right! I realized early on the benefits proper fitness and nutrition had on illness. Eating healthy has continued to help me maintain my weight putting less pressure on my joints and exercise has further provided me with joint stability.
After medical school, I decided to use my medical expertise and passion for fitness and nutrition to help others become disease-free.
Not only did I contribute to medical research by co-authoring, Beta-Blockers: Physiological, Pharmacological and Therapeutic Interventions book and furthermore published a research article in The American Journal of Medicine (AJM) titled The Case for Confirmation: Atrial Flutter and the article Syndromic or Sporadic? Atrial Myxoma, as a component of Carney’s complex in the Journal of Heart and Vascular Diseases at the University of California Davis. But, I also got ACE certified as a Fitness-Nutrition Expert!
Today, I am extremely passionate about helping others reverse their diabetes and lose weight by taking a full 360-degree approach to health. Using diet and exercise as the backbone, I can help change the outcome of your type 2 diabetes and help you lose weight by applying simple strategies.
My goal is to educate others on ALL the benefits of eating to feed your soul and exercising smartly, not rigorously. I believe that the end goal should be to live a happy and healthy disease-free life.
Please join me in our community at The Lifestyle Cure as we learn how feeling good begins from the inside out and by living a dynamic lifestyle.
Stay happy, stay healthy.
Dr. Tina Gupta
M.B.B.S, BSc, ACE Certified Fitness Nutrition Expert