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First off, as a medical doctor, I want to begin by acknowledging anyone who is obese and has heard the words you need to lose weight. It’s a hard pill to swallow. Afterall, it’s the hardest thing to hear if you already know it to be a fact.
Now I’m not saying that people who are not obese and who hear those infamous words are like “oh no big deal I can lose weight really easily!” What I am saying is that it may hurt less because they’ve NOT tried to even lose that little bit of extra weight yet.
So for those who are only a little overweight and NOT deemed to be obese, hearing you need to lose weight is more like a wake-up call; basically a call to action.
But for those who already know that you are obese and HAVE BEEN struggling, hearing that you need to lose weight may feel like a nail in the coffin.
And I’m truly sorry for that.
Losing Weight Is Hard
No one deserves to hear “you need to lose weight” repeatedly, even if you are obese. It’s awful, defeating, and all-around discouraging.
But can I share something with you? Telling anyone that they need to lose weight is NEVER easy. Whether you’re a doctor, healthcare professional, a friend, family member, confidant, someone you care for, etc. But you do it because you care.
That’s the bottom line.
But we beware. This does not equate to meaning that the only way you can live your best life is by being skinny and looking like a size 6 model.
No it means that according to the CDC if you have a BMI of more than or equal to 30 you are considered obese. And this is hazardous to your health.
Significance of Body Mass Index in Obese Individuals
See, obesity can cause a number of conditions. Including diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, gallbladder disease, gout, sleep apnea, and certain cancers. And as doctors, we use Body Mass Index (BMI) as a screening tool to gauge how susceptible you may be to these diseases.
Weight loss is probably the most pivotal factor in preventing and reversing these diseases. This is why it’s essential for doctors to use this tool to help determine if your weight is putting you at a greater risk. So if you are obese, losing weight is crucial for your health and wellbeing.
I want you to live your BEST life. And the best way to do that is by making small but substantial changes in your life.
So let’s get right into the 3 simple changes you can make today to help you lose weight if you are obese! And even if you are overweight, these 3 steps can help you as well.
(please remember to consult with your healthcare provider BEFORE beginning anything new!)
3 Simple Steps That Will Make You Lose Weight When You Are Obese
The first change that you need to make is to start doing intermittent fasting.
1. Intermittent Fasting
What Is It?
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a particular type of weight loss approach which is present in many different forms. However, all forms/types have one thing in common. You have to fast for a certain amount of time followed by a period of eating.
What Are the Different Types of IF?
According to the Cleveland Clinic, there are 4 main types of IF.
The most popular method of IF is the 16:8 (or 14/10) Plan. This is where you fast for 16 (or 14) hours a day, and you eat within an 8 (or 10) hour period. Generally people choose this one because it is the most convenient in terms of timing. Atleast 8 hours of your fasting window occurs while you are asleep, leaving only 8 (or 6) hours while awake. People generally choose one of the following eating time frames: 9-5, 10-6, or 12-8.
The 5:2 method is when you normally eat for 5 days out of the week but fast for 2 days.The days during which you fast are generally non-consecutive days, i.e. Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. During those 2 days you are recommended to only consume 500 calories or less. People generally divide their fasting days into a 200 calorie meal and a 300 calorie meal where the focus is on high fiber, high protein foods.
The alternate day fasting is when you eat normally one day but then fast the following day. This routine is then continued for the remainder of the week. This is a much more restricted pattern of eating. Mainly because on the fasting days, it is recommended to eat absolutely nothing to a maximum of only 500 calories.
Lastly is the 24 hour method, where you eat, stop, and eat again. Here one would fast (meaning consume zero calories) for a 24 hour period and then resume eating normally after those 24 hours have ended. People generally choose to fast for only 1-2 days out of the week if adopting this method.
Intermittent Fasting vs. Calorie Reduction Diet
In IF you aren’t simply restricting and/or counting calories.
Instead you get to pick what you want to eat but must do so within a specified time period (which you also get to pick).
There’s no hassle of having to write down the number of calories or the types of food you are consuming. Though this can help you figure out a pattern of what you may be doing wrong initially. Here the basic requirement is to eat whatever you’d like in a specified time frame and fast during the rest of the time.
This is also one of the reason’s why IF is not called a diet in the traditional sense and is more so regarded as a type of eating pattern.
What Does the Research Show?
Alot of widespread research has only been done in mice or in obese men. Where in both cases, the evidence shows weight loss and improved lipid (cholesterol levels) status.
A 2017 study concluded that obese men who followed intermittent fasting, experienced greater amount of weight loss and fat loss.
In a 2019 study obese females were able to lose weight while doing IF and only ate 70% of their required energy intake!
Harvard has recently done an update on IF showing how you can lose weight effectively. It states that using a type of circadian rhythm fasting (the 16:8/14:10 method) is the most beneficial for weight loss. Even moreso when combined with a healthier diet and lifestyle.
However, another study done in 2019 showed that there was equivalent weight loss in both IF and continuous calorie restriction groups. The limitations of this review is that it did not look at larger clinical trials. Nor does it take into account metabolic and body composition changes that only occurr with IF.
Who Shouldn’t Do Intermittent Fasting?
IF is not recommended for anyone who may be pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to conceive. And anyone who falls under the following criteria should consult with their doctor before beginning IF:
1.You have a history of an eating disorder or a disordered eating pattern
2.You have a history of mental health disorder(s)
3.You have certain medical conditions, ie. Hypertension or Diabetes.
So Is It For Me?
You should always consult your doctor before beginning any diet.
Out of all of the methods of IF available, the 16:8 (time restricted eating pattern) is the most popular. It also has the most research to back up its claims. Most people choose to begin with this method because of its simplicity and ability to play with the time of fasting.
The second change that you need to make is to start moving more!
2. Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT)
What is NEAT?
NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This translates to the amount of energy burned while doing basic living activities. These may include things such as brushing your teeth, folding laundry, walking to your car, using the steps vs the elevator at work etc. It encompasses all activities that DO NOT fall under: sleeping, eating, or sports like activities.
Benefits to NEAT
Studies show that increasing the number of NEAT you do in a day can lead to both better weight and health control.
Many studies being done prove the significance of how your daily NEAT directly impacts your weight and metabolic parameters – in the short AND long term!
Does Walking Count As NEAT?
Yes, walking is a great way to increase the number of NEAT you do within a day! But be aware. That “10,000 steps” goal that most fitbits and other smart watches want you to aim are is actually an arbitrary number. It was made popular by an idea originating from a doctor by the name of Dr. Hatano. In 1965 he made a pedometer and named it something that translates in English to as “10000 steps.” After this an ad campaign run with this idea and the rest is history!
So although walking this much may be good, there is no scientific research that indicates that this is the correct or necessary amount. Plus it is hard sometimes for someone who is struggling to lose weight to suddenly start walking this much initially.
How to Start Increasing Your Level of NEAT
A better (and easier) way is to simply increase the amount you move in a day. This can be done through regular daily life activities coupled with the amount you walk in order to complete those very tasks!
So when brushing your teeth, trying squatting at the same time or pace back and forth in your washroom. Or choose to stand and fold all your laundry. Do yard work instead of hiring someone else to do it Park your car further from your work so that you are forced to walk more. Things of that nature are much easier to aim for when you are initially trying to get a handle on your weight.
I encourage you to start here. And then maybe think about getting a fitness tracker which can help track the number of steps you’re getting throughout the day.
The third change that you need to make to drink more water!
3. Start with Flavored Water THEN Switch to Plain Water
What Are The Benefits To Drinking Water?
Water helps you lose weight and keep it off. A study done in the US between 2005-2012 showed that people who drank plain water consumed less calories in a day. They also drank less sugar based beverages and ate less sugar, sodium, saturated fat, and cholesterol!!
However, despite knowing the benefits of drinking water, a lot of people still find it hard to drink water. And I think the reason behind this is because it has no taste.
So the dilemma then becomes, why should I drink something with no taste? Especially when there are tens of thousands of other options that have plenty of taste?
The answer is to drink water because it is better for your health. And yes, it’s that simple.
Now what isn’t simple is being able to drink just plain old water. Until you start developing, and eventually even craving the taste for it, you won’t be motivated enough to start drinking it.
A solution for this age old problem is what the global flavored waters market just made $10.3 billion dollars from in 2018 alone!
Why Flavored Water?
Flavored water has what plain water lacks, some type of “taste.” It is also a nice way to begin drinking something else in place of sugar laden beverages initially.
And as of 2016, bottled water has actually surpassed carbonated soft drink consumption among Americans!
Where Can I Find Options of Flavored Waters?
The best way to get natural healthy flavored water is to make it! For more details and/or recipes on the types of flavored (or detox) water available, here are some recipes: 17 Detox Water Recipes For A Flat Tummy!.
What If I Like Carbonated Drinks?
If flavored water is not your thing than a good option is to switch to drinking sparkling water. Sparkling water is just like regular water but has carbon added to it, giving it that extra fizz.
Several studies also show that consuming sparkling water is just as hydrating as still water. And another study found that if kids and adolescents who had access to a home carbonation machine were better hydrated than kids no access to one!
Even the Center for Disease Control recommends that it’s better to drink carbonated water before any other “non-water” beverage too.
What Is The Right Amount To Drink?
Water is the only essential nutrient whose absence WILL be lethal within days. And the only way to combat this effect is to drink the right amount for your hydration level.
The amount that your body requires depends upon your current health status and individual needs. Therefore, it is best to speak with your doctor to find the right amount for you.
As a general rule, in healthy individuals it is recommended to consume 4-6 cups of water per day. Along with an extra 2-3 cups per hour if exercising or spending time outside on a hot day.
These numbers may fluctuate for those suffering with a chronic illness or on certain medications. Hence why it’s always advised to consult with your doctor before beginning anything new.
Other Considerations for Obese Individuals Who Want to Lose Weight
As I wrap up, please remember NOT to do the following on your weight loss journey:
- Start jumping rope – or other activities that are focused on jumping as you may be more prone to injury in the beginning. It is best to ease into a routine instead of jumping head first into something without the proper precaution.
- Negative self-talk – you know what is best for you. You are doing your very best. And there is only one YOU. Be proud of yourself as you are RIGHT NOW for making the effort to change!
- Not share your progress with people (even if they don’t notice, point it out!)
- Compare yourself to others – do you and only you.
- Think that you are alone – because you’re not.
- Focus solely on losing weight – this type of thinking will not help your progress; it will only hinder it. Instead begin by focusing on forming new healthy habits as a way to prevent you from being easily
In our program SMART & Skinny Habits, we discuss all these things in depth and provide the exact steps needed to achieve weight loss success!
Click here to lose weight and maintain it with SMART & Skinny Habits!
Losing weight can be simple if you have the right tools. And today, we can help provide you with them.
If you’re interested, definitely check out our revolutionary program above for all the details!
In conclusion, I hope you’ve gained insight which you’ll be able to apply in your life or share with a loved one. Remember, if you are obese and/or overweight and would like to lose weight IT IS POSSIBLE. It may be hard, but it’s extremely possible! Asking for help is always the hardest part. But looking for information and being ready to make a change is the first step to the rest of your life.
Stay happy. Stay healthy.