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Stress directly impacts our health. For both good and bad reasons. Let me explain how to develop the right, healthy habits in order to deal with stress.
Did you know that 1/5 adults in America feel extremely stressed and/or have symptoms of stress? And that these same individuals report that their health is fair to even poor? That’s a staggering statistic considering that it amounts to about 22% of the population suffering with extreme levels of stress on a daily basis!
Now being stressed for short periods of time, can actually be a good thing for your body. It can enhance performance, immunity, and even vision!
And in all honesty, everyone in the world at one point or another has endured stress on some level. After-all, that’s why so many of us want to know the effects that Cortisol, aka the stress hormone, can have on the body. Don’t believe me? Just google it.
The question remains then how do really high functioning people who wear numerous hats (for example, Oprah or Bill Gates), lead a life where stress only exists for a short amount of time? How does it not encompass every aspect of their lives while running successful billion-dollar empires?
Remember when I said that there is a point where stress can function as a good thing in your life. That it can lead to positive outcomes. Well there’s an actual term for it. It’s called eustress.
Eustress, defined by Merriam-Webster as,
A positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on health, motivation, performance, and emotional wellbeing.
Maybe then this is what high achievers use to propel their ventures, both in daily life and professionally speaking as well. They understand the difference between negative and positive stress and therefore only allow themselves to be stressed up to a certain point. And that point is basically before it becomes too overwhelming and starts to negatively impact their health and life.
Let’s have a look into the healthy habits that these very individuals, termed high performers by people like Brendon Burchard, exhibit in order to avoid being overwhelmed with stress.
Table of Contents
1. They Are Mindful
You know one of the main differences between those who worry and those who don’t? It’s that those who don’t worry stay focused on the present. They are very mindful at where they are at in the moment and have the ability to concentrate on the NOW. They worry less about the stuff that may come up in the future because they understand that they have no control over it. They also worry less about what if’s in life because that can lead to chain reaction of more anxiety and stress.
And the way they accomplish to stay mindful is not simply by being born into a Zen lifestyle. They practice daily meditation. The length of time will vary and will depend upon each person’s need but generally setting aside time every single day to practice mindfulness is key.
Benefits of mindfulness include:
- Increased sense of well-being
- Improved physical health
- Improved mental health
If you’d like more information on how to begin being more mindful, please check out the following link provided by
2. They Eat Healthy
Do you know that food can help create health? And that certain types of food can create a bad state of health and/or a good state of health?
People who stress and worry less definitely know this to be true. That’s why they usually choose to eat fresh, whole foods on a regular basis that concentrate on vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans/legumes, and healthy fats from oils, nuts, and fish.
And I mean I don’t think it is by accident that the #1 rated diet IN THE WORLD basically consists of exactly these types of food groups!
What we eat not only influences our bone, brain, and heart health but it also decreases the inflammation in our body too. And we know that food also plays a part in our mood and in our overall mental health status.
When we are stressed, many of us revert back to the habits that we’ve already long since established because it gives us a sense of calm and control. So if we are in the habit of already eating highly processed or sugary food, we seek comfort in it when we are overly worried and/or stressed out.
And the same is true for people who generally eat fresh, wholesome foods. When stressed, they will choose to eat more of this type of diet than not.
The difference is that the people in the latter group will be more energized, hopeful, and less stressed after eating something that is fresh and wholesome than the people in the former group who will gravitate towards something that is processed. That group will feel the exact opposite, more stressed, anxious, and have less energy.
The food that we eat can directly impact our state of mind hence why it’s important to feed the beast.
Give it what it needs to feel energized, hopeful, successful, strong, and in control by providing it with the proper nutrients and antioxidants found in whole foods so that you can keep stress at bay and even manage it better.
3. They Exercise Consistently
Exercise is nature’s anti-stress remedy that you should be taking advantage of today and every single day after that. It’s important to not just exercise here and there, or fill in our weekly quota of what is considered to be appropriate so that we can eat a little extra during the weekend.
We should enjoy what we do because then we’re more likely to continue doing it if it brings us happiness! Even if it’s only for 15 mins. Get moving! Take advantage of your lunch break to walk around, use the stairs, park your car further etc.
You release feel good hormones known as endorphins, that literally make you feel like you’re riding a high. And being on that high allows you to focus better, concentrate on the things that you can change, feel good about yourself, and helps you to release the worry and stress of the things that you cannot control.
One great exercise that lowers stress in a short duration is yoga. In fact, one study showed symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression reduced significantly in women in Iran after completing 12 weeks of hatha yoga.
The Mayo Clinic reiterates that many studies have found yoga may help reduce stress and anxiety while enhancing overall mood and well-being.
I personally do yoga stretches and have found it really helps me to relax and decrease my stress level. What I like the most about yoga is you can do it whenever, wherever you are feeling anxious because the only equipment required is a great yoga mat.
Which is why it was important to me to take the time out and research which one was the best.
The GoYoga mat is known to have a good grip and be extra thick, all with an excellent price point. It’s available on amazon (in several different colors), with the pink one being the most popular of them all.
Click on the BalanceFrom GoYoga Mat at Amazon
This yoga mat pictured above is so popular that I decided to order it for myself! It comes with an excellent price tag and has all the features that I really look for in a good yoga mat.
These include: Double sided (!) non-slip surfaces, it’s extra thick (which is good for me as I’ve had two knee surgeries), moisture resistant, the length is perfect, and others have reported that it doesn’t wear and tear easily.
In general, movement is influential when one is worried and nervous as it combats these feelings.
But, it’s hard to prioritize exercise sometimes when our lives are so busy that we barely have time to breathe. However, that’s exactly the problem.
Not prioritizing your physical health impacts negatively on your mental health. And if that’s the case, then really you’re not helping yourself, those are around you, or anyone you care about. Start taking care of things by putting yourself first, even if it’s just for 5-15 mins in a day.
4. They Prioritize Sleep
The best way to make sleep a priority in your life is by creating and sticking to a nighttime routine. It’s extremely easy to get carried away binging shows, scrolling on our phone’s, and eating that last bite of cake.
So the best way to avoid all those behaviors is by creating a routine (at least an hour before you plan on going to bed) that involves you winding down for the night. Whether this be reading a novel or taking a warm bath. Or drinking hot chamomile tea and snuggling with your puppy; the choice is up to you.
You get to determine how to best end your night.
By not looking at any screens and/or stimulating your brain right before you go to bed, you’re more likely to have a restful sleep and wake up happier for it. Not sleeping properly can actually affect your hormones hence why it is important to have a restorative sleep to maintain a balanced brain chemistry.
Research shows that those who do not have adequate sleep (between 6-8 hrs/night) regularly, are more predisposed to depression and anxiety.
The next time you compare yourself to people who never seem to be stressed, realize this first. That they are definitely making sleep a priority and they do so by having a regimented nighttime routine.
5. They Don’t Abuse Substances
This is not to say that people who do not stress, don’t know how to have “fun” and let loose. First of all, there are plenty of ways to still have fun without leaning on certain substances. You just have to be creative. Second of all, those that don’t stress simple know their limits.
They know that having that 1 drink will not affect their mood positively or negatively and realize that tomorrow is new day. These same people believe in creating and then living in that balance. And they do not rely on alcoholic beverages or tobacco for mental relief or even from societal pressures.
How? Because they know where to draw the line.
6. They Have the Right People Right Around Them (+ Willingness to Socialize)
The type of people you surround yourself with says a lot about you. Those that worry less (or seem to be more carefree) know this already and is why they associate with only the right people. What does that mean? It means they surround themselves with other human beings who think the way they think. So if they are non-worriers, go-getters, who are career and family driven, then they want to be surrounded by such people as well.
They won’t be around those that are stressed out, worry a lot, tend to be anxious etc. In fact, they will want to avoid bringing those type of people into their inner circle altogether.
So having the right group of people within your bubble is the perfect way to keep your stress minimal. And this is especially true if they are the type of people who are not stressed themselves or deal with it proficiently.
Another point that goes hand in hand with this is that they not only surround themselves with people of similar nature but they in general like to socialize (at least on some level). They do not stay confined within their bubble. They are comfortable being in a crowd (but still not feeling alone) and realize that meeting other people can also be helpful. You learn by gaining insight & knowledge, plus it forces you to get out of your own head and out of a funk by noticing that there are other things more important in life besides you and your stressful life.
7. They Enjoy Being Out in Nature
It is a well known fact that natural sunlight has been shown to improve mood and overall sense of wellbeing. And there is an enormous amount of research highlighting the fact that spending time outdoors can alleviate stress and anxiety as well.
Living in a city that is constantly buzzing, where you’re more likely to be over rather than under-stimulated is a lot for anyone to deal with on a regular basis. This is one of the reasons why stress-free people are really good at removing themselves from said environment. They realize the damage that all this noise can have on your mental health and they deliberately allocate a certain amount of time to spend outdoors with mother nature in order to appreciate the beauty of calmness.
Did you know that healthcare practitioners are now actually recommending people to take “nature pill?” It’s essentially spending at least 20 mins a day outdoors, either doing an activity or sitting somewhere, where you feel like you are in direct contact with nature. And by spending only 20 mins outdoors, research shows levels of stress and stress related hormones become significantly reduced each and every!
So the next time you have 20 mins to spare, make sure you utilize it fully by being outdoors and enjoying the naturally beauty that surrounds you.
8. They Journal
Have you ever heard of the term expressive writing? Harvard Health Publishing details it as “writing about thoughts and feelings that arise from traumatic or stressful life experiences” and states that it may people.
Have you ever tried to write how you are feeling and/or your thoughts either in the beginning of the day or towards the end of the night? Sometimes when you are experiencing an overwhelming amount of emotion you need a particular way to process it. And that’s exactly where journaling can come into play.
Journaling helps with managing anxiety, dealing with depression, and lowers stress as well. How does it do all of this? It basically acts as a log book. It can help you identify the cause of your stress by doing it daily. And allow you to track your daily symptoms and to pick up on any negative patterns.
If it’s good enough for Oprah, it’s good enough for me!
9. They Live in Gratitude
A lot of the people that we talked about right in the beginning (ie. Oprah and Bill Gates) all of this one thing in common without a doubt.
They live in constant gratitude. To the point that they even journal about the things that they are grateful for and reflect back on these written words if and when they need to do so.
The secret to be happy is to actually live a life of gratitude. Being grateful for where you are currently at, regardless of whether you want to be there or not, is the secret to being happy.
Yes, it may seem challenging to be grateful when you are knee deep in stress but one of the best ways to beat that stress is to realize all the other good things around you. And those other things don’t have to be materialistic things, such as, wealth or a car.
It could be the fact that you are breathing or you have the ability to see and hear. Or that your children are healthy, that your parents are alive, and that it’s sunny outside! Find the gratitude even in the small, miniscule things, and before you know it, you’ll soon be leading the life you’ve always dreamt of.
What’s the takeaway from all of this? That although it’s difficult (to darn near impossible) to avoid stress altogether, it can be reduced and managed. And maybe even used to benefit you through your participation in the right daily activities.
Remember growth takes time. So when you go to change any one habit in your life, don’t set yourself up to fail. Start with a couple of changes and see them through. Make sure they become a daily habit, and then proceed on to the next change. The more you succeed at something, the more motivated you become to see other healthy changes come about as well!
And always remember to see a healthcare professional. Especially if you are currently suffering with debilitating anxiety and/or stress in your life.
There is help available even though it may seem as if there is no hope or silver lining in talking about your issues with someone.
If you are not yet comfortable talking to someone about the issues you are currently facing, Mental Health Foundation in the UK has outlined:
The 3 steps you should take when feeling stressed
These 3 steps are:
1) Realize when it is causing you a problem
2) Identify the stressor
3) What changes can you make in your lifestyle
Being in tune with yourself is important and is basically what step 1 is alluding to. Sometimes you may not even realize the symptoms. For example feeling tired all of a sudden, and/or your inability to sleep through the night.
So begin by checking in. Try and see what your body is trying to tell you the next time around. Those tense muscles may be giving you a clue that you’ve taken on too much. And that you need to back away now.
Step 2 is about seeking out what exactly is causing you grief. There is always a cause for your stress in life. Identify it and name it. The Mental Health Foundation says that there are 3 categories you can sort your stressors into – A) The ones that have a practical solution B) Those that will get better with time C) And those that you cannot do anything about. It also says that if any stressor fits into B or C, you must be willing to let it go. Because worrying about it NOW will not change the result in the FUTURE.
Step 3 is about reevaluating your life. Are you taking on more than you can chew? Are you not asking for help even though it’s available because of pride, wanting to avoid disappointment, or trust issues? These are valid questions that you need to ask yourself before any prominent change can come about.
If you need help, please ask for it. Go see a healthcare provider who can point you in the right direction.
Because do you want to know what the other main difference is? Between those who stress regularly and those that don’t? The people in the latter group ask for help when they need it.



