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Are you looking for 30 days worth of easy diabetic friendly recipes? Well, I’ve got you covered! Today I’ll be giving you a choice of 30 different Mediterranean meals that you can prepare quite easily from home!
The Mediterranean diet, also known as, the MedDiet, was recently ranked as the number 1 overall best diet for the 4th year in a row!
That’s why I think it is important to not only educate but to inform everyone of the benefits of a MedDiet. Or something that falls within a similar category (i.e. The anti-inflammatory diet). This is especially true if you happen to be diabetic or live with metabolic syndrome.
There are several studies indicating the positive correlation between consuming a MedDiet and the successful prevention and management of both diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Including the risk factors that can cause these diseases too like insulin resistance and prediabetes.
Why is that though?
Well, glucose is better metabolized in those who eat a Mediterranean type diet! This is better seen in a meta-analysis that accurately sums of how a MedDiet actually IMPROVES the outcomes of glycemic control, cardiovascular risk factors, and weight gain in DIABETICS!!
With that being said, now what the heck is the MedDiet?
The MedDiet can quickly be summed up as a primarily plant based diet that focuses on eating whole, locally grown, food. The meals consist largely of food that is rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, and nuts & seeds.
It does not focus on consuming animal protein on a routine basis. An exception to this is the consumption of fish and other seafood (twice/week) including eggs.
Limited consumption of red meat and dairy is also excepted but not advised to be enjoyed on a regular basis. This excludes fermented products like cheese and yogurt though.
Because it was ranked number one among all diets, I have gathered 30 easy diabetic friendly recipes. These meals are great for both diabetics and people with Metabolic Syndrome. They’re healthy, hearty, and can be enjoyed with the whole family!
Have a look at the recipes below!
Table of Contents
30 Day Easy Diabetic Friendly Recipes
1. Mediterranean Cauliflower Couscous Salad Via thekitchn
This salad can be eaten at anytime during the day, the choice is yours! It has all the right ingredients to keep you satisfied and filled at the same time: Chickpeas (that provide you with protein), cauliflower (that give you a source of veggie’s) and the olives/olive oil (that provide you with some good old healthy fats!). PS do not let the couscous in the title fool you – it’s actually cauliflower! This is one of easiest diabetic friendly recipes which you can start enjoying tonight!
2. Garlicky Grilled Kale Salad with Grilled Bread Via thekitchn
Garlic is a common ingredient that is used in a whole host of Mediterranean dishes, which is a good thing because it’s extremely good for your health AND adds a ton of flavor! Plus the bread in this recipe is sourdough which doesn’t spike the blood sugar levels!
3. Tomato & Feta White Bean Salad Via thekitchn
The beans (along with the feta) in this recipe add a lot of protein to a very simple, easy to put together summer like salad! Plus the beans are great for diabetics and those with metabolic syndrome because they help to stabilize blood sugar levels.
4. Quick and Easy Roasted Vegetable Salad Via thekitchn
Vegetables are (or should be) an important staple in everyone’s diet. But sometimes eating them and enjoying them can be a challenge for some and it’s essential to switch it up now and again to suit everyone’s palate. Roasting veggies is a great alternative to just eating them raw because it increases flavor and become easily digestible!
5. The Ultimate Grilled Zucchini Salad Via thekitchn
Zucchini is an extremely versatile veggie. It can be used in a variety of different ways (like for zoodles or for lasagna) and the flavor can blend in well in most dishes. This salad is light (but can be made heavy with the addition of shrimp or scallops), airy, and refreshing – especially for the summer months!
6. Greek Quinoa Breakfast Bowl Via organizeyourselfskinny
Eating whole grains is important part of the Mediterranean diet. And quinoa is a great example of it. It’s wholesome, protein packed, and tasty. Quinoa is a great base to build any meal from. And it’s especially great for most diabetic friendly recipes. Oh and just because the word breakfast is in the title, do not let that stop you from enjoying this at any other time as well.
7. Creamy Oatmeal with Raspberries, Seeds, & Honey Via simplydeliciousfoods
Oatmeal is such a nice, comforting meal that anyone can enjoy but it’s especially great for diabetics. It’s considered a great source of healthy carbs (slow releasing so it won’t spike the blood sugar levels) and protein at the same time! I think most of the times it comes down to toppings and the toppings in this recipe are a perfect combination of fruits (for natural sweetness) and your choice of nuts and/or seeds (that contain good, healthy fats). Feel free to substitute the butter (they use 1-2 tsp) for vegan butter or skip it altogether. That would make it healthier and a better choice for people struggling to manage their blood sugar levels.
8. Mediterranean Omelette Via closetcooking
Omelets are a great example of how eggs can be used to make a whole bunch of different dishes. It solely comes down to what ingredients you would like to add inside OR on top of your specialty. This recipe uses a lot of Mediterranean like ingredients and will please the palates’ of many!
9. Mediterranean Breakfast Sandwiches Via eatingwell
This can be a hearty breakfast or a meal enjoyed later in the day as well, especially after a good solid workout. It has the perfect combination of protein, fat, and carbs to keep you going until you feel hungry again.
10. 5-Minute Mediterranean Bowl Via beautybites
Bowls are definitely having a moment right now. You can find them on menus everywhere! Perhaps because they’re so versatile, easy to prepare, tasty, and good for you when made the right way. This one specifically is very filling and the ingredients are healthy and great for diabetics too!
11. Mediterranean Baked Sweet Potatoes Via minimalistbaker
Sweet potatoes contain nutrients and protein are a fantastic way to get in a serving of veggies for the day as well. Plus they are a MUCH better alternative for those with high blood sugar levels looking for their potato fix! This recipe is a beautiful example of a Mediterranean dish because it’s hearty, healthy, and can be shared!
12. “Cream” of Roasted Cauliflower Soup Mediterranean Twist Via themediterraneandish
The reason for the quotations around the word creamy is because in traditional Mediterranean dishes they do not use cream or even milk on a regular basis. However, this recipe requires the use of fat free half and half or just cream itself. But I do think that if you’d like to stick with the more traditional and actual sense of what Mediterranean dishes are and feel like, then feel free to substitute this step with some other healthier ingredient. Maybe try coconut milk instead which is still heavy like regular milk but is a plant based alternative and therefore healthier. There are many conflicting studies/reports on whether or not full fat cream is good for diabetics so eat it at your own discretion.
13. Lemon “Butter” Pasta & Veggies Via thekitchn
This is another example of where you can get creative and stick to true and tried traditional (and healthier) Mediterranean dishes. How? By swapping out the butter in this recipe with either vegan butter or even ghee.
14. Caprese Style Portobellos Via prouditaliancook
Mushrooms are a great source of nutrients and are a great way to get some meaty (when prepared the correct way) flavor into dishes. Especially for some who may want to transition from a predominant meat filled diet to a slight more vegetarian one.
15. Pan Seared Salmon Via thecozyapron
Salmon that has been perfectly seasoned and pan-seared is a great example of the ultimate Mediterranean dish containing a lot of omega 3 fatty acids, flavor, and protein for a complete wholesome meal.
16. Foolproof Salmon Baked with Olive Oil & Herbs Via thekitchn
Herbs provide so much flavor to any dish that they are a general requirement in many households around the Mediterranean region. They don’t depend on a lot of packaged or processed goods for enjoyment or flavor because they are already getting that in each and every meal that is served. This recipe takes baked salmon to another level with the addition of the herbs and olive oil on top and can be made quite easily for your satisfaction as well.
17. 5 Ingredient Lemon Chicken with Asparagus Via pinchofyum
A good, tasty, and healthy dish that has 5 or less ingredients?! Well, I got you covered! This recipe contains a perfect balance of flavor and taste to satisfy the masses.
18. One-Skillet Mediterranean Chicken Recipe with Tomatoes and Green Olives Via themediterraneandish
This is a great diabetic friendly recipe. Why? Because whenever a dish that looks this good you’ve already won half the battle. This contains enough protein to keep you full and satisfied. Plus the veggies and herbs add color and flavor which will keep your eyes and stomach happy.
19. Chickpea Shawarma Salad Via theminimalistbaker
Chickpeas are a great source protein and can quickly be added to a host of different dishes too. This recipe is easy, healthy, simple but above all – tasty! It’s another awesome diabetic friendly meal.
20. Mediterranean Quinoa Bowls with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce Via pinchofyum
The star of this dish is not the quinoa (!), or even the more popular avocado. It’s actually the roasted red pepper that serves as the sauce for this dish, perfect for those with high blood sugar levels.
21. Bulgar, Red Lentil, & Butternut Squash Skillet Via beautybites
I feel like a lot of people do not know enough about bulgar. It’s a cheaper alternative to quinoa, used commonly in the Mediterranean region, is versatile, and healthy, plus it can serve as a nice base in many dishes (this one included). In this recipe, you get protein for all the ingredients and therefore you’re sure to be full way into your next mealtime.
22. Broiled Salmon with Lemon, Mustard, & Herbs Via thekitchn
This easy diabetic friendly recipe is another way that shows you how different yet similar salmon can be prepared and enjoyed. Broiling it with the combination of ingredients listed within the recipe is an excellent way to satisfy your taste buds!
23. Evolved Lentil Wraps Via beautybites
This is another excellent diabetic friendly recipe. Eating this wrap in a 100% whole wheat tortilla, along with the protein packed lentils, is easy to whip up. It’s healthy, tasty, and a good addition to a busy weeknight meal.
24. Meal-Prep Falafel Bowls with Tahini Sauce Via eatingwell
This recipe is perfect for anyone looking for an idea on what to make for multiple days but can be done all in one shot. The falafels are made out of chickpeas and the tahini is made from sesame seeds, giving you a taste of some authentic Mediterranean like cuisine! And both ingredients are great for diabetics and those with metabolic syndrome.
25. Grain Salad with Tomatoes, Corn, & Basil Via thekitchn
Easy to make, easier to put together, yet hearty and healthy all in one. What’s not to like and/or appreciate? The grains will keep you satisfied and full but still provide you with the flavor you desire. This is perfect for diabetics and those with metabolic syndrome. Enjoy!
26. Warming Bulgar, Red Lentil, & Spinach Soup Via beautybites
Lentils are a great protein source in a variety of different soups, and this one is no different. The bulgar gives it bulk, the spinach adds color and nutrients, plus the lentils have a nice flavor! Bulgar is a cheaper alternative to quinoa but just as versatile. Try it in a number of different diabetic friendly recipes today!
27. Roasted Root Veggies & Greens over Spiced Lentils Via eatingwell
In this recipe, the lentils serve as the base for the dish. While the roasted veggies and greens add bulk, taste, and depth to an otherwise ordinary recipe. Give it try and see if you enjoy it as well!
28. Chicken & Pesto Salad Via thekitchn
This recipe calls for some pesto action and it in turn adds a punch of flavor along with the veggies and chicken!
29. One-Skillet Salmon with Fennel & Sun-Dried Tomato Couscous Via eatingwell
Did someone say sundried tomato couscous? Because I heard you, and I’m here to deliver! This recipe looks so good that it will not go to waste, so whip out your skillet, get the salmon ready, and be prepared to be dazzled!
30. Roasted Eggplant & Brown Rice Bowl with Turmeric Tahini Via thekitchn
This dish looks so fancy that it’s hard not to appreciate the beauty and want to try it for yourself. It’s the first (and only dish) that uses brown rice which is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals and a great fiber for diabetics. It also contains other ingredients that will help stabilize blood sugar levels, like roasted eggplant and tahini with turmeric. Enjoy to your heart’s content!
Please be sure to consult your healthcare professional if you have ANY doubts about any of these recipes. It’s always important to consult the person who knows YOUR history the best before beginning anything new. So please talk to your doctor first!
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy these 30 easy diabetic friendly (and metabolic syndrome) recipes!
If you are interested in lowering your blood sugar and reversing your diabetes by losing weight, then be sure to check out our book SMART & Skinny Habits. We designed this program to help diabetics not only lose weight but REVERSE their diabetic symptoms.
For any more info, please click this link for Smart & Skinny Habits!
Stay happy, stay healthy!