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Are you looking for a no equipment, FREE HIIT workout plan that’s also quick and easy? Does that sound almost to good to be true?


Learn exactly how you can get an effective workout in by following our 21 minute no equipment HIIT workout plan below!

But first things first. Is it possible to even get a good workout in if it’s quick and easy and get us defined abs?

The answer is simple – yes. Because some movement, especially high intensity movement, is ALWAYS better than no movement at all.


We are all busy either studying, working, hanging out/taking care of family, (ie. living life!) that many of us don’t have the time to do a workout that lasts for a full hour.


We want something that is quick, effective, requires no fitness equipment AND is convenient!


And guess what friends?! I’ve found the solution and it’s HIIT!


HIIT has been found to be the best way to burn fat among all the different types of cardiovascular exercises.


There is so much positive research surrounding the benefits of HIIT, which is why I’ve decided to highlight the main points! So lets start with the basics.


What is HIIT?


High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a type of workout that can be characterized as working out intensely for a short burst of time (eg. 1 min) followed by a period of rest (eg. 2 mins).


The reason it has become popular is because it can literally be done anywhere, requires little to NO equipment at all, and is more efficient in terms of the amount of time you need to commit to actually do the dang thing.


How HIIT Works


HIIT involves a person working at 80-95% of their maximal heart rate (meaning the maximum amount of time your heart will be beat in second without overexerting yourself) at an average interval of 30 secs to 3 mins followed by a recovery period of equal to or longer than the high intensity period.

As a rule of thumb we consider walking or stair climbing to be of moderate intensity so on an exertion scale between 1-10 we would rank those activities as a 5-6.



HIIT Benefits


  • Reduces abdominal and subcutaneous (just under the skin) fat.

  • Burning calories and over all total body fat.

  • Improves cardiovascular health.

  • High afterburn effect.

  • Time efficient. As little as three 10 min sessions weekly with only three periods of high intensity lasting 20 secs each has positive overall effects on the body. This includes improving cardio-metabolic health and muscle endurance.

  • Decreased fasting insulin & improved insulin sensitivity (abnormalities that are seen in Diabetes Mellitus Type II).


What To Know Before Beginning HIIT


  • Due to the fact that it is a high intensity workout, not everyone may be able to do it. It is best advised to do it under clinical supervision if you have several cardiac risk factors or significant medical history. This is because HIIT can promote a higher risk of injuries and/or cardiac events (eg. Stroke, MI).

  • Longer recovery period. HIIT workouts are more exhaustive; people generally need more time to recover before being able to return to their daily routine.

  • Talk to your physician before beginning this exercise for all questions regarding your own health and fitness level.


So start our HIIT workout plan with NO equipment right now! Jump right into it below!


4 Minute HIIT Workout Plan with NO equipment



Location: Home or Gym

Equipment: None

Rules: Wear sneakers, crank up the music, have fun and get it done!

Time: How long you should do each exercise or rest period

Workout: Complete the exercise indicated 

Rest: Walking on the spot or around the room for 1 minute

Intensity: Low intensity: 3-4, Moderate Intensity (walking, stair climbing ): 5-6, High Intensity (running without over exertion) : 7-9


4 minute high intensity workout plan




Warm Up:

Check out this video by Nicole Pearce for a 5 minute warm up routine for home workouts!


1) Rest:

Walking on the spot or around the room for 1 minute.


2) Squat Jump:

Women demonstrating a jump squat


1) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart or a little wider and your toes turned slightly outwards.

2) Squat down with your weight in your heels, your chest facing forwards, bent knees (just behind your toes) and your thighs parallel to the floor (as if you were sitting in a chair).

3) Make sure your spine is neutral.

4) When you are in squatting position, squeeze your glutes (buttocks) and then jump, by driving upwards using your legs and lifting off your toes.

5) As you come back down land softly with your knees bent in squatting position.

6) Repeat at high intensity.


3) Rest:

Walking on the spot or around the room for 1 minute.


4) Speed Skater:


Woman demonstrating how to do a speed skater



1) In a standing position hop to the right side.

2) As you do this with a slight bend in your knees, sweep your left leg behind your right leg, bend down at the hips and touch the floor with your left hand.

3) Then hop to the left side.

4) With knees slightly bent, sweep your right leg behind your left leg and as you bend down at the hips, touch the floor with your right hand.

5) Keep alternating side-to-side at a high intensity.


5) Rest:

Walking on the spot or around the room for 1 minute.


6) Mountain Climbers:


Woman showing how to mountain climbers


1) Start on the floor with your arms straight, hands pushing down on the ground, shoulder width apart and weight just on your toes.

2) With your core engaged, bring your right knee forward just under the chest with your toes off the ground.

3) Then return to starting position.

4) With the core still engaged, bring your left knee forward just under the chest with your toes off the ground.

5) Then return to starting position.

6) Continue to alternate knees at a high intensity.


7) Rest:

Walking on the spot or around the room for 1 minute.


8) Reverse Lunge:


Man showing how to a reverse lunge


1) Stand with your hands on your hips or at your temples. 

2) Take a large step back with your left foot.

3) Lower yourself straight downwards while maintaining a neutral spine. Then bend your left knee (back leg) so that it is at a 90 degree angle almost touching the floor with your heel slightly lifted.

4) Bend your right knee just behind your toes while making sure to have your right thigh (front leg) parallel to the floor.

5) As if you were bending down on one knee.

6) Return to standing position.

7) Repeat with opposite leg at high intensity level.


9) Rest:

Walking on the spot or around the room for 1 minute.


10) Burpees:


Man demonstrating how to do a burpee


1) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands by your sides.

2) Explosively jump up with arms extended overhead.

3) As you come back down, push your hips back, bend your knees in a squatting position.

4) Then, place your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart.

5) Jump your feet back softly to land on your toes so that you are in plank position.

6) Then complete a push-up by lowering chest and thighs to the ground and push yourself back up in a plank position.

7) Bring your legs in towards your hands.

8) Explosively jump up with arms extended overhead.

9) Repeat with high intensity.


11) Rest:

Walking on the spot or around the room for 1 minute.


12) Plank Jack:


Woman demonstrating how to do a plank jack


1) Begin on the ground in plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart on the floor, arms extended, body in a straight line, feet together and on your toes.

2) Then jump your legs wide apart and then back together as if doing a jumping jack.

3) Maintain your back in a straight line and keeping your glutes towards the floor while doing the jack.

4) Repeat with high intensity.


13) Rest:

Walking on the spot or around the room for 1 minute.


14) Russian Twist:


Woman demonstrating a russian twist


1) Start by sitting on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

2) Lean back so your upper body is at a 45-degree angle to the floor.

3) Keep your back straight.

4) Clasp your hands together infront of your chest while engaging your core and now lift your feet off the floor.

5) Twist your torso and arms from side-to-side.

6) Repeat with high intensity.


15) Rest:

Walking on the spot or around the room for 1 minute.


16) Superman:


Man demonstrating a superman pose


1) Lay face down on the floor with arms and legs extended.

2) Exhale as you raise your arms and legs 4-5 inches off the ground.

3) Keep your core engaged.

4) Hold for 5 seconds.

5) Inhale and lower your arms and legs to starting position.

6) Repeat with high intensity.




Check out this video from Fitness Blender which shows a great cool down routine to perform after you’ve completed your HIIT workout!




Over time you will begin to find these exercises become easier. At that point you should decrease the rest period from 1 minute to 30 seconds so that it’s now a 1:1 ratio.

A workout plan that lasts for only 4 minutes of high intensity that can help you get a toned belly should be added to your weekly routine.

Continue this 4 minute hiit workout plan 3-5 times a week and you’ll start to see improvements in your abdomen in no time!


Remember, by playing music that gets you pumped or even working out with a friend will make your workouts fun and go by faster. Now, go crush your goals!


Stay happy, stay healthy!


Check out more workouts to get your best life!

Top 9 Fat Burning HIIT Workout Videos! For Beginners And Advanced!

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11 Absolute Best Yoga Poses For Beginners

The Top 11 Resistance Band Exercises For A Total Body Workout At Home!



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Hi I’m Dr. Naveen Gupta, physician-turned-type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and weight loss coach who helps you easily lower your blood sugars and lose weight by creating fun, happiness and amazing lifestyle you love! If you're interested in working together, email me at to get started today!