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Yoga is a systematic practice of physical exercise, breath control, relaxation, diet control, positive thinking and meditation aimed at developing harmony in the body, mind and environment. It is a 5000 year old practice that you can start using to your advantage as it relates to weight loss. There are certain yoga poses, especially for beginners that can help you support your weight loss. Let’s first see what the research has to say about all of this.Ā
What research says about yoga and weight loss
Research appears to show a connection between yoga and weight loss.
According to the Department of Family and Community Medicine at The University of Arizona, yoga has been found to be appropriate and a potentially successful intervention for weight maintenance, prevention of obesity, and risk reduction for diseases in which obesity plays a significant causal role.
How you lose weight with yoga
Well it appears that yoga actually helps you lose weight BUT in a non traditional sense.
Typically, we know that one loses weight based on the calories one takes in versus the calories burned. However, The Mayo Clinic states that yoga contributes to overall weight management by:
- Improving mindfulness of your body and your ability to regulate your diet
- Reducing stress, which can contribute to poor eating choices
- A supportive social network in yoga class that may promote overall healthy choices
- Improving self-esteem and mood
- Reducing back or join pain that may prohibit additional exercise
More and more research says that the biggest contributions of yoga seems to be mindfulness and decreasing stress levels for weight reduction.
Although, this might not seem beneficial when you consider how we are traditionally taught about weight loss, there is evidence to support that weight loss does very much have a psychological component.
Reports reveal that 1,328 psychologists believe that the strategies that are essential in losing weight and keeping it off and the top answers were, āunderstanding and managing behaviors and emotionsā and āemotional eating.ā
Generally, we emotionally eat when we are stressed and use it as comfort food. Stress has actually been found to contribute to weight gain because of the release of the hormone cortisol causing belly fat.
The practice of yoga has actually been discovered to alter the structure of the brain, enlarging the stress-regulating areas which help us to manage stress.
The American Psychological Association shares that clinicians are embracing yoga as a compliment to psychotherapy for all itās mental health benefits including stress reduction.
Harvard HealthĀ reported, yoga was found to help people become more mindful eaters, sensitive to hunger cues, and have feelings of fullness.
Unlike other forms of exercise, the only equipment required in yoga is a good yoga mat in order to achieve it’s weight loss benefits.Ā Here are the top weight loss yoga poses for beginners!
Top 11 Weight Loss Yoga Poses For Beginners
1. Warrior II Pose

– After standing in mountain pose, separate your feet 3 1/2 to 4 feet apart. Raise your arms parallel to the floor, shoulderās wide apart and palms facing upwards.
– Turn your right foot to the right and your left foot should be at 90 degrees to your right foot. Align the heels. Turn your left thigh outwards making sure the left knee is in line with the left ankle.
-Exhale and bend your left knee so itās over the left ankle while still maintaining a firm stance with your right heel firmly to the floor.
– Donāt lean the torso over the thigh; make sure to be directly over the pelvis. Press the tailbone slightly towards the pubis. Turn your head towards the left.
– Hold for 30 secs- 1 min. Breath. Repeat on opposite side.
2. Mountain Pose

Yoga Journal
– Stand with bases of your big toes touching and your heels slightly apart. Lift and spread your toes, then heels and rock back and forth, side to side to evenly balance your weight in your feet.
– Make your thigh muscles firm and lift your knee caps keeping your lower belly soft. Lift the inner ankles to stengthen your inner arches. Turn the upper thighs slightly inward, lengthen your tailbone toward the floor and lift the pubis to the navel.
– Press your shoulder blades into your back, then separte them and release. Lift the sternum to the ceiling, widen the collarbones and hang your arms by your side.
– Make sure your head is directly over the center of your pelvis and relax your facial muscles including forehead, eyes, mouth, tongue, and chin.
-Hold for 30 sec-1 min. Breath.
3. Seated Forward Bend Pose

Yoga Journal
– Sit on the floor with your buttocks supported by a blanket and straighten your legs infront of yourself. Press actively through your heels. Pull each buttock with your hand, away from your heels, turn your thighs in slightly and down to the floor.
– Press your hands down on the floor beside you and lift your chest towards the ceiling, keeping your thighs touching the floor.
– Draw the inner groin deep into the pelvis. Inhale. Bend at your hips and lean forward. Try and touch the sides of your feet with your hands, elbows extended fully. If not possible, use a loop strap around your soles and pull on the strap.
– With each breath try and bend a little more fully into a forward bend. The lower belly should touch the thighs first, then upper belly, ribs, and the head last.
– Stay for 1-3 mins. Then release.
4. Downward Dog Pose

Yoga Journal
– Come to the floor on your hands and knees in table top position. Your knees directly above your hips and your hands slightly forward of your shoulders. Spread your hands out slightly and your turn your toes under.
– Exhale and lift your knees away from the floor, slightly bent. Lengthen your tailbone and press towards the pubis. Lift your buttocks to the ceiling.
– Keep the head between the upper arms; donāt let it hang. Straighten your arms, press your hands and feet on the floor fully.
– Stay for 1-3 minutes. Breath. Exhale. Rest in childās pose.
5. Standing Side Lean Pose

– Put both arms overhead and lock fingers together except the thumbs and index fingers.
– Gently squeeze arms towards ears.
-Inhale. Press feet down, engage thighs, and stretch up and evenly towards the right side.
– Exhale. Gather belly into the back, press the feet down and return to center.
– Complete 4 times on both sides.
6. Plank Pose

– Begin on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders.
-Spread your fingers and press down through your forearms and hands. Do not let your chest collapse.
– Lengthen your spine and neck and draw your abdomin towards your spine.
– Make sure to have your head, neck spine and legs in one straight line. With arms extended directly under shoulders.
– Draw your pelvic floor muscles towards your spine as you contract your abdominal muscles.
– Hold pose for 5 breaths. Breath. Release and rest in childās pose.
7. Tree pose

– Start by standing with both feet firmly on the floor.
– Bend the left knee and place the left foot against the right calf or inner thigh while balancing on the right foot placed completely on the floor.
– Lift rib cage to elongate spine, keep hip bones square with no rotation of the pelvis and bring hands to prayer position.
– Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Exhale. Release. Repeat on other leg.
8. Side Angle/reach pose

-Separate your feet 3 1/2 to 4 feet apart.
– Turn your right foot to the right and your left foot should be at 90 degrees to your right foot. Align the heels. Turn your left thigh outwards making sure the left knee is in line with the left ankle.
-Exhale and bend your left knee so itās over the left ankle while still maintaining a firm stance with your right heel firmly to the floor.
– Rest the left forarm on left thigh and reach right arm overhead while lenghtening the spine.
– Hold for 5 to 10 breaths. Rest and repeat on opposite side.
9. Twisted Chair Pose

– Stand with your feet hip distance apart. Inhale. Raise your arms over your head, 90 degrees to the floor.
– Exhale. Bend your knees so your thighs are parallel to the floor or as far as you can get.
– Your knees are bent slightly over your feet with your torso at 90 degrees to your thighs (chair pose)
– Lower your arms and bring your hands in prayer position.
– Exhale. Twist your torso to the right. Bring your left elbow outside the right thigh.
– Keep your weight in your heels and keep your feet firmly on the floor.
-Hold for 1 min. Inhale. Return to center, reaching both arms overhead in chair pose. Straighten legs. Exhale. Repeat on opposite side.
10. Cobra Pose

Yoga Journal
– Start on bending knees and lower your body to the floor.
– Now as you are lying on your abdomin, have your hands firmly pressing on the floor directly under your shoulders.
– Lift your chest off the floor. Keep shoulders down. Press the palms, hips, and tops of feet into the floor.
– Hold for 15-30 seconds. Breath. Release back to floor with exhalation.
11. Goddess pose

Yoga Journal
– Lie down with your spine against the floor.
– Open your legs, bend both knees to the outside and press the soles of your feet together.
– Move them up as close to the hips as you can, only if comfortable, and stretch the inner thighs.
-Hold this pose for 2 -5 minutes. Breathe deeply. Release.
You can find more information on some more weight loss with yoga poses for beginners at yoga journal, gaia, prevention, and yoga outlet.
We hope you will utilize some of these top weight loss yoga poses for beginners in your practice today!Ā
Remember to talk to your doctor before trying any of these poses to see if they are right for you.
For more on yoga check out:
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